Identification, Facts & Control of the House Fly

Latin Name – Musca domestica

Appearance – Normally grey, blue or green and around 4 to 7.5 mm long .

Behavior, Diet & Habits

They like edges and corners to land on. Indoors, they will land on floors, walls, and ceilings during the day. Outside they will land on plants, the ground, fence wires, rubbish bins, etc. At night they usually sleep near sources of food and 5 to 15 feet off the ground.Pest Control San Antonio - Fly control

They will eat a wide variety of rotting vegetables or animal matter.


Houseflies will lay eggs in almost any warm, moist material suitable to feed the larvae. The female will lay up to five to six batches of 75 to 100 eggs. In warm weather, eggs can hatch in 12 to 24 hours.

The most common sign of activity will be adult houseflies buzzing around. Larvae can be observed as crawling out of breeding material to pupate. Then pupae themselves can sometimes be observed nearby the breeding material.

More Information – House Fly Facts

Adult houseflies last on average around a month. The housefly will complete it full lifecycle in around 10 days through eggs, larval and pupal stages, after which adult houseflies emerge. Houseflies are fully grown after the pupae stage.

Houseflies taste through small hairs all over their body. They have compound eyes that are extremely complex: they have extremely wide vision using thousands of individual lenses.

Houseflies are major carriers of disease. They will transfer up to 100 pathogens at a time causing illnesses, including typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera, and dysentery. Houseflies carry these pathogens on their legs and mouths as they feed on feces, rubbish and other decaying material.pest control - house flies

House Fly Control

Nobody wants houseflies buzzing around the house or anywhere else. As mentioned earlier they carry disease and can easily make you ill due to their unpleasant feeding habits and where they want to lay their eggs.

We can completely control all kinds of flying insects using insecticides that will target where they land and the spaces they fly in.